সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান

Fire Safety Engineering Related Question & Ans:

1) What are the types of pump sets used and why in fire fighting?
Jockey pump – used when there is a pressure drop.
Electric pump – Main pump starts instantly in case of fire and will cutoff.
Diesel pump – used in case of power shut down & Stand by Pump.
2) What is fire alarm check valve?
It allows flow in one direction and prevents backward flow and with this gives signal to BMS with alarms.
3) What is FM-200 and where is it used?
Heptafloropropane is colorless, liquefied compressed gas. It is stored as a liquid and dispensed into the hazard as a colorless, eclectically non-conductive vapor that is clear and does not obscure vision.
It is used in communication rooms, electrical rooms, computer rooms etc..
4) Types of detectors?
Smoke, Heat & Multi detectors etc...
5) Do we use strainers in fire pumps? Why?
No, we don’t use it because the water coming is portable usually only in cases where we are using river or lake water then we require strainers. Else we prefer not to use them as it will reduce suction flow.
6) Radius of a sprinkler? Extended coverage sprinklers have a water distribution radius of a little over 10 feet.
7) What is the distance between each sprinkler? Its 3 m to 4m.
8) Working pressure of fire system? Its Depends on Site condition or Hydraulic Calculation .
9) What is Siamese Connection?
Used as auxiliary connection through which the fire department can pump water to supplement existing water supplies.
10) What are the Settings of Diesel pump upon how much pressure it is cut off? Diesel Pump Stand by Pump, it's auto start not off.
11) What is OS&Y, Tamper switch, Pressure switch and their working?
OS&Y valve - Outside screw & Yoke – is used in fire system mains and is used for easy knowing whether it is in open position or closed as we cannot know from a typical gate valve or ball valve.
12) Tamper switch - It is a supervisory device located on the control valves of a fire protection system. The tamper switch is a device which, when connected to an alarm panel or sounder, signals a disturbance (opening or closing) at the control valves of the system.
13) Pressure Switch - These critical components sense the activation of the system and then electrically secure the ventilation systems operating in the protected space.
13) What is the use of strainer?
It is installed before the cooling coil to protect dirt & foreign material entering into the cooling coil /evaporator.
14) What is the use of staircase pressurization?
To provide fresh & clean air in the staircase when fire occurs in the floor. The pressurized air keeps the smoke away from the stair wall. It is used for creating positive pressure.
15) Name some fine controlled Valves?
Needle valve,Spindle valve, regulating valve, motorized valved etc.
16) What should be height of fire cabinet from floor level? 1 m.
17) What are the different types of sprinkler heads used in fire protection system?
Upright sprinkler, Pendent sprinkler, Side wall sprinkler, Pendent Recessed sprinkler, extended side wall sprinkler, extended coverage etc.,
18) What is the test pressure for firefighting pipe network? 1.5 times working pressure.
19) What is the temperature rating for firefighting sprinkler head? 170°F or 76°c.
20) What is the fire department connection known as? Siamese siamese connection.
21) Name the different types of fire extinguisher?
Portable type CO2, Portable type Dry Powder & water.
22) What are the different types of Valve used in fire protection system? Alarm valve, Zonal valve etc.
23) What the pipe material used for underground fire piping? UPVC, MDPA, RTR.
24) What is zone control valve?
It is used in ff system on every floor … it consist of OS & Y Gate valve with tamper switch, Check Valve, pressure gauge, Drain point, Flow meter & Sight glass. “Check FF Notes”.
25) What is the standard length of hose in a hose reel cabinet? 30m.


একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি


Gypsum is approximately 21 percent by weight chemically combined water which greatly contributes to its effectiveness as a fire resistive barrier. When gypsum drywall is exposed to fire, the water is slowly released as steam, effectively retarding heat transmission. Fire rated gypsum drywall is more fire resistant because it contains glass fiber reinforcement and other additives within its specially formulated gypsum core to help it hold up longer to a fire exposure. Fire  rated drywall is referred to as “Type X” and must be third-party certified by an independent testing and listing agency such as UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) and ULC (Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada) to meet the fire performance requirements prescribed in the ASTM C1396 (CAN/CSA-A82.27) Standard Specification for Gypsum Board. Types of Fire Rated Gypsum: Type X fire rated gypsum drywall that is 5/8 -inch (15.9mm) thick and installed on each side of nominal 2-inch x 4-inch (38x89mm) ...

Pipe Schedule Method for Firefighting Sprinkler System

Pipe Schedule Method for Firefighting Sprinkler System                                     Pipe Schedule Method for Firefighting Sprinkler System  The water demand for firefighting sprinkler systems shall be determined by either the pipe schedule method or the hydraulic calculation method, in this article we will discuss the pipe schedule method. What is pipe schedule system?! According to NFPA 13, Pipe Schedule System is defined as sprinkler system in which the pipe sizing is selected from a schedule that is determined by the occupancy classification and in which a given number of sprinklers are allowed to be supplied from specific sizes of pipe. Where can we use pipe schedule method?! New systems of 465 m2 or less. Additions or modifications to existing pipe schedule systems. Classification of occupancies according to hazard NFPA 13 classifies the occupa...

আপনার মনও মস্তিস্ক দিয়ে নিয়ন্ত্রন করার মতন ৮টি জবরদস্ত গ্যাজেট

আপনার মনও মস্তিস্ক দিয়ে নিয়ন্ত্রন করার মতন ৮টি জবরদস্ত গ্যাজেট এমন একটি ভবিষ্যতের কথা ভাবুন তো যেখানে আপনি আপনার মনের ক্ষমতাকে কাজে লাগিয়ে সব কিছু নিয়ন্ত্রন করতে পারেন। ব্যাপারটা আসলে আমাদেরকে নতুন করে ভাবতে শিখিয়েছে। আমরা আজ সেই নতুন প্রযুক্তির ছোঁয়া পেয়েছি। এই টিউনে আপনাদেরকে ৮ টি বিদ্যমান গ্যাজেটের সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দেয়ার চেষ্টা করবো যা আপনার মস্তিস্কের কমান্ডের মাধ্যমে আপনার বাস্তব জীবনের কাজগুলোকে সম্পূর্ণ করবে। তাহলে চলুন এই আকর্ষণীয় বিষয়গুলোকে আরও উৎঘাটনের জন্য মেইন বিষয়গুলো আলোকপাত করা যাক। ১. Emotiv EPOC আমরা ও আপনারা সবাই তো সবাই কম্পিউটাকে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করার জন্য প্রত্যক্ষ ও পরোক্ষ ভাবে "মাউস" ও "কীবোর্ড" এর উপর নির্ভরশীল। এমন যদি হত যেমন আপনার মনকে কাজে লাগিয়ে সেই একই কাজ করতে পারছেন? হ্যাঁ নিউরো-টেকনলোজির কল্যাণে আজ তা সম্ভব। আর সে অসবভব কে সম্ভব করেছে  EPOC  । এটি একটি উচ্চ রেজল্যুশন ও অনেকগুলো চ্যানেলের সমন্বয়ে তারবিহীন নিউরোহেডসেট। এতে রয়েছে ১৪টি সেন্সর ও দুটি ইলেক্ট্রিক সিগনাল যা বাস্তব সময়ের ব্যবহারকারীর চিন্তা, অনুভূতি এ...